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Moving to the Cloud? Here are a Few Questions to Ask

By Michael Messina, Senior Managing Consultant, and Sridhar Avantsa, Director, Oracle Infrastructure Services, Rolta AdvizeX, Cloud Managed Services

If you are in any IT role, you are probably part of teams and/or initiatives that want to move your organization to the cloud in whole or in part. We were a member of a large team at Rolta-AdvizeX that engaged in a full cloud feasibility assessment that examined what cloud offerings could add value to our business and serving our customers.

As an IT services company, Rolta-AdvizeX is in an ideal position to evaluate IT services, including databases, servers, storage, network, applications and so on. Our first step was to determine what “cloud readiness” is and what components determine cloud readiness. To do this, we established a set of key questions:

• Are we cloud ready?

• If so, what areas make the most sense for cloud implementation?

• Do we want to move everything to the cloud or just certain things?

• Do we want to do a big bang cloud move or to we want to move things one at a time

• Do we use one cloud provider or use a mix of cloud providers based on the specific needs of teams and units?

These were all important questions for us as an organization, but for sure important questions for our customers. We worked to develop a process to answer those questions and many more like them, in order to get answers that utilize the power of the cloud to improve our business. The Cloud Feasibility Study was the result of that process development.

As we ventured on this journey, we thought to ourselves: “Wow! This journey has been full of challenges and new discoveries that have made a big impact to our business. More than just the outcomes, sharing the process by which we got there may have value to others.” Our hope is that what we have put together on our story, along with others from Rolta-AdvizeX, helps you and your cloud Journey.

Are you being asked to evaluate or move mission-critical business operations to cloud-based solutions? Join #IOUGCloudJourney to understand what the Cloud means for your organization and your career.

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Moving to the Cloud? Here are a Few Questions to Ask